From Our Desk - May 7, 2020

From Our Desk - May 7, 2020

It’s week 9 of quarantine and my first week in a new job! More on that to come. I find myself mentally recharged by the busy weekdays, the sunny weekends, and the fact that the routine feels more familiar and intentional. It’s been really interesting to her about the plans to reopen offices and all of the considerations. Companies are figuring it out day by day and it’s all very fluid based on government direction and medical research. Things we know: it will be slow, voluntary, and cautious. Things we don’t know: exactly when and how.

While we continue to socially distance, I’ excited to launch a series called Trailblazher Talk where we check in with the awesome women we’ve featured to see how they are doing, what they are up to, and what’s next for them in this new reality personally and professionally.

This Saturday at 10 AM ET, I will host a Q&A with Natasha Shazana, co-founder of SOKO to see how she’s been impacted as a entrepreneur launching an intimate apparel brand in Malaysia. Join us for the discussion on Google Meet! No installation required when using a laptop. More on Natasha here and here.

Here are some interesting finds from my desk to yours:

  1. What do countries with the best coronavirus response have in common? Women Leaders. Duh

  2. If you’re feeling extra exhausted by your video conference calls, that’s completely reasonable. You have to put in more energy to stay focused and engaged. There also seems to be an overload of Zoom calls lately with family, friends, colleagues, trainers, teachers, and so on…

  3. What big or small things are you doing for self-improvement? My friend Danielle shared this awesome app that is a “speech coach in your pocket.” Great way to practice eliminating filler words!

  4. What am I watching? I have a crush on Bill Gates after watching Inside Bill’s Brain (thanks Natasha!) and Never Have I Ever has been making me laugh out loud - representation matters!

  5. What am I eating? I’ve been changing things up with my Blue Apron subscription but have been really loving simple quinoa salads and sandwiches. My recent obsession is Ciabatta with pesto spread on both sides + Grilled Chicken + mozzarella + sliced tomato + balsamic glaze = YUM!

Be well,


Image: Never Have I Ever, Netflix

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