Conference Madness Relief

Conference Madness Relief

97%. That’s the percentage of respondents that said YES in a recent poll to having escaped to the bathroom to avoid conference madness.

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Earlier this year, I did twenty five meetings over the course of three days while at a large industry conference. To say I was beat is an understatement. While that’s an extreme example, there are moments even at a one-day conference where you can feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

So what do you do? Looks like we’ve all resorted to the bathroom “escape” plan.

Sometimes, all you need is a little bit of space and quiet (and that friendly glancing smile or nod from women washing their hands!) to get back to the rhythm. In the bathroom, there’s no pressure to fake smile or engage in small talk. These breaks are helpful to take a breather, check your phone, touch up, and just simply take a time out from the bustling conference setting.

Don’t feel guilty about these mini escapes - in fact, we encourage you take more so that when you do go back in there, you’re giving it your best (and not checking your phone or being a wallflower!)

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